Click on the buttons below for some more testimonials...........

Westfield Childrens Nursery, Idle, Bradford

I have worked with Emma & Rebecca, who are the owners of this well established nursery for over 14 years and they wrote.....

"Rebecca & I love the fact that you know our business, you’ve visited us at the nursery many times & we know that when we call you,           you can relate to us personally. You have always been extremely supportive for myself & Rebecca, giving us that peace of mind when         problems arise. We would always recommend yourself to other nurseries".

Drury PSM Ltd, Bradford - HR & H&S Consultancy

I worked for and with Tony Izzard, Managing Director for around 11 years as a Senior HR Consultant before the business was taken over by Alcumus - when I was undertaking some continuous professional development he wrote.....

"......she now acts as Lead Consultant for well over 150 client organisations who rely upon her for advice and assistance on any                     employment issue. Her knowledge of current employment legislation and its daily application in any amount of varying situations makes her a very significant asset..... of great value is her proficiency and willingness to deliver training seminars on HR topics to audiences made up of staff from client companies or members of associations............I have no hesitation whatsoever in confirming that Julie has a very professional and commendable attitude to the demands and trust placed upon her in the role as a Senior HR Consultant which is only possible because of her extensive and thorough knowledge  of employment legislation and the ability to apply this knowledge to solutions in often very difficult and complicated situations."

Alcumus - HR Consultancy 

In 2014 I drafted and presented a webinar on 'Managing Conflict' and over 150 people registered to listen in.  Below are just a few of the comments made......

"One of the best Webinars I have attended - well done! Interesting and informative, not too long and answered lots of my questions"

"Excellent - well worth an hour away from the job!"

"Very valuable presentation, great way of conducting this type of session, thank you"

"Very informative and helpful in understanding what conflict is and how it can perpetuate within teams."

"Excellent presentation and Julie Dawson proved she really knew her stuff in the Q&A session"

"Very enlightening, informative and good pace, helpful"


JD Employment

